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Such a beautiful little album, Anna-Maria! I can't wait to try this! :)


Sara L.

Beautiful project! Thanks for sharing :)

Mona Gee

I love the idea, love the colors and photos.great tutorial. Thx sweetie!

Alexandra Boehnke

Wow - I love this great idea! Nice tutorial!


That's great for a little brag book for a grandma or mom to carry in their wallet/purse, too!


What a wonderful little project, nice idea!

Helen Tilbury

Such a sweet & lovely looking project!!


amazing little album :) Thank you for sharing the tutorial!


OMG, this is a FANTASTIC idea - thanks for the step-by-step photos. This is perfect for a mini album I'm making! I can add one of these on some of the pages; this way I can get more photos in the album!


Very cool, thanks for sharing!

Angela Ramirez

Muchas gracias por el tutorial, es una preciosidad!! Son una fotos increibles, besitos desde MÁLAGA!

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