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Emily Muto

Really cute tutorial, thanks for the tips Amy!!


Great video Amy! Thanks so much for the inspiration. That was my favorite layout in your gallery this month.

Kim G

Great video to start my Friday! Such simple techniques to really set off some great ideas! Thank you Amy.

Cathy L.

Great video, as always! Good to see how you stitched the arrow, pretty sure I would not have done it like that and it would have been a train wreck! Can't wait to get one of your stencils!

Julie A. Wooten

When do the February Project Life Kits get mailed out?


Please tell me that the Studio Calico shop will be carrying Amy's stitching templates. PLEASE?!?

Jessica Dougherty

Thanks so much for the fun tips & techniques! I have been inspired by Amy's embroidery work for years, but have not tried the other techniques...can't wait to try them out asap!!!


Thanks for the triangle technique. Can't wait to try it!

cindy b

I must get that Stencil kit!!!

laura m.

Awesome! Thanks so much for sharing your techniques :)


Great video! Thanks Amy!

Sandy Davis

Thanks for the ideas....cant wait to try the triangle technique!

bevie pearl

Ican't wait to get my hands on the sewing stencils. YEAH!! Thanks for the tutorial...I really liked seeing how you did the triangles. I will be able to do that now that I have seen it.


This is great! Thank you for showing from start to finish on each one.

mel mccarthy

Fabulous to watch you work, Amy. Thanks!


Thanks for the great tips...LOve the quick video packed with so many ideas!


Great to know those techniques, I particularly loved the stitching and the traingle cutting. Thanks for sharing your ideas Amy.

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