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Some really useful and fun ideas, thanks for sharing :)

Lea Lawson

Great ideas for when you are lacking photos!!


Good ideas Deb! Love the ipad app pic! After first glance I thought you were a Charlie's Angel! LOL (Then I realized you were holding a camera and not poised with a gun! ;P

Debbie Burke

Great ideas. Thanks for your help.


THANKS Deb! (;

erica K

This is just what I needed today! Thanks for the ideas. :)

deb duty

That's so funny, Suz! I'm pretty sure I've never been compared to a Charlie's Angel before lol!

Laina Millson

Great ideas Deb, definitely a great topic. I especially love the large photo idea!

julie k

great ideas! love the idea of taking shots throughout the home. :)


Thanks so much for all the great ideas!


Love seeing different options for photos. I had a week last week that I was looking for some help in. Thanks for the inspiration!


Wow, what an AWESOME idea about using old pic and current pic. LOVE it!

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