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Melissa (mollymoo951)

Gorgeous...and I love your post! You had me with sentence two!! Gonna look ya up on instagram! Thanks for sharing with us this month!


So fun to see your pages here!! Love following you on Instagram! Always inspired by your work!


Hey Instafriend, no magenta for that week!??? (;
Great as always!
And what a great chance for you!
C U on IG
kat78 (;


Colleen, I'm a huge fan of your PL- so happy to see you featured here!

Colleen Warren

Thank you ladies! This was a HUGE deal in the Warren house this week! I had so much fun. I really was planning to mix in some hot pink, but maybe next time :) have an awesome weekend!

Marti Richards

Thank you for sharing! Great post, too, by the way- love your humor!


Love this girl!! So cute!

Jen Kinkade

Colleen, totally loved this!! you made me smile & laugh reading this!!
congrats, girl!!


Colleen, I'm a french fan of your PL! i love seiing it on instagram! thank you for sharing your work!


Just gorgeous :) can't seem to find you on Instagram though :( kyliesimplyb

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