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Natalie Elphinstone

It was so lovely having a little peak into your creative process and getting to know you better through this interview. What beautiful and sweet layouts you've shared. Thanks for the inspiration.

Lillian Child

Lovely work, Naomi! You definitely have an amazing talent for this craft! And such adorable photos, too!!

Natalie Stewart

There is something soothing about your LO's, they are stunning and indicate and subtle simultaneously. And I am in awe that you are a self taught photographer.

Jessica Monte

Ok wow you work is very bautiful.... I started being crafty when I was 19. (by the way I'm now 40;) I learned from my mom how to crochet then I got into sewing pillows then curtins and I got into making quilts and once my daughter was 6 months I started scrapbooking and making cards now I still do all of that but now I make my own stationary sets and play with canvas. I also love to cook bake and read when I get the chance,,,,


precious !!!!

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