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emily (justem)

hands down my favorite scrapper at sc. :)
wish we would have seen her name added to the dt.
great choice!


These are fantastic! Wonderfully unique and really fun pages!


Absolutely fantastic! Love her style!


Love G! Funny is the best thing to be. And I'd totally wear that hat. Awesome!


LOVE her style, and her answers to the questions made me laugh ... very inspirational & funny girl :-)


so happy to see more from gillian, i love her style and she is so sweet too!!

Nora R

That murloc hat! Gararrrrgglllralllgglrlrlrlgglll (that is the murloc sound btw)

Love all the layouts:)


Awesome! you are just fabulous, you know that?! and my boy would love that hat. not that he knows Murloc, but it looks like a cool monster ;)

Marti Richards

Gillian is awesome- just awesome! One of my very favorite scrappers! :)

Gina Ames

Not only do I love your interpretation of a Murloc on a hat, I adore your (accurate) description of one. LOL!

julie weis

such a fun read!! love just g's style and personality!

ana frazee

love your style

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