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Julie Weis

thanks for the tip kelly. off to check it out!


Just bought it ... thanks for the recommend!


thanks for the rec! :)

Jennifer Larson

After I read the first paragraph on this post, I went to the App Store to buy it. I half expected the store to crash from so many people accessing it! Thanks for the tips. Can't wait to try it--maybe with the two planets on the Western horizon tonight!

Monica Blain

looks awesome! Is it only for iphones? and does your phone have to have a flash?


Wow! So cool... off to check it out. Thanks for the recommendation.


I just looove this ap!

Kim N

This sounds amazing!! Thanks for the tip!

jennifer Camplin

aw thanks for the tip!!


Thanks for the tip Kelly!!

I hate low lighting in restaurants... they bum me out 'cos I can't get good food pics! LOL!

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