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Wow! I didn't really like the alphabet one until I saw this project! I might have to get one now...beautiful! :)

Lindsey Hansen

So cute Maggie! How did you do the pink alphabet paper? It looks letter pressed.


Very nice! Love the shinny colours!


I'm so glad I wasted my time clicking on this link. Nothing is explained here. A journal is not shown, just the cover?

Studio Calico

@lindsey, the pink alphabet you're seeing is the cover of the journal which has been painted and misted. it already comes embossed like that, just waiting for you to embellish up!

Jessy Tramontana

Hello!? Everything sold out in half a second. Absolutely NONE of this is available anymore. When is Studio Calico going to get their act together and actually have enough product to offer it to all of their customers?


Gorgeous, as always, Maggie!

Studio Calico

@jessy - the kit that maggie used on this journal is the main kit, handmade, which is not sold out and still available right here: http://www.studiocalico.com/kits/current

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