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Jackie A xxx

Oh My ... what a fab idea. I do the same process but on the back of each layout I do, its looks much better in a 'book' format. I always forget whether I've blogged a particular layouts or not, and this would be a fab way to keep an 'on hand' record. Will be getting one and giving it a go. Thanks for your inspiration.


i cant wait...when are they available???

Kate aka stinkydudette

Love your cute journal!


what a fabulous idea. Its a gorgeous journal -x-


This is genius! I love it! Thanks for the inspo!


kinsey this is such an awesome way of keeping track of submissions, i LOVE it! Thanks for the idea && im so jealous of the month stamps, i missed that kit & am dyyyying to get my hands on it!

Nina R.

Neat! I have had both of my journals sitting there for quite some time and could not decide what to use them for. Thanks for sharing

C Davis

Just what I needed to open my journal that hasn't been touched in over 2 months!

Jennifer Shapiro

I have handwriting envy!!

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