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what a great idea -thanks for sharing!


So sweetly organized! Thanks for letting us take a peak!


oh so cute. maggie, your idea is great. thx

Felicitas from Germany

emily (justem)

super cute! i have those little bowls, but they are just sitting out...nothing fun like this!

Dawn Nikol

If I didn't already love you, this would definitely push me over the edge! You're a girl after my own heart!


love how fun your Organizational style is!

Lisa Dickinson

is it funny that i knew that was maggie's studio before i even scrolled down to the name? love all the color - what a fab place to create!


What a wonderful idea for those little bits and pieces. Thanks for sharing - I am in the process of reorganising my studio and I adore your bowls.


love that paint color on your walls, maggie...care to share?

Wendy Hammer

Beautiful! I love it when everything looks pretty.


http://www.wendyhammerdesigns.etsy.com - My Etsy Shop ♥
http://wendyhammerdesigns.blogspot.com/ - My Blog ♥

Jean Marmo

Wonderful idea!

Jill Sprott

This is a brilliant idea!

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