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darling page =)


This is the most darling page, I love the hearts!


Just beautiful Nicole! thanks for sharing!

Erin M

I love this Nicole! Just returned from a trip to Disney and can't quite figure out to do with our photos without ending up to "themey". This is perfect!

Natalie E

Oh I absolutely have ideas in my head that never quite go according to plan when they get to paper!! Happens to me all the time. I wish I could say that it always turns out as lovely as this page! :-)

Barb in AK

Actually, my favorite thing on the page is the rub-on and buttons :-) Tooo cute!!

Patty W

The hearts are so pretty and I love the 'little mouse ears' - that is awesome.

Laina Millson

Totally have to steal this design for one of my special Disney pics! Thanks Nicole you are forever so inspiring!

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