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Helen Tilbury

Thanks for the great tips! I also have a big desk/counter that I had made at standing height as I always stand when I scrap. It has TWELVE easy-to-slide narrow drawers & works great for me 'cos I'm also a dumper & like to have things outta sight. As you say, things need constant re-assessing & re-organising as we evolve & our needs change.


I love this so much. This is exactly what I need because I too am a 'dumper'. I actually used to have the perfect desk when I was younger. Just like this one except it was white, vintage with scroll edges. Beautiful. Something if I had now would have been a fun project to give new life too... sadly my mother sold it :( Oh well, here's to the next diamond in the rough!

Kathy Eddy

Thanks for the tips Now do you have any tips on how to find space ??? LOL

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