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That masking in the title by Nicole Samuels is awesome. I'm not a big mister (ok, I've never misted anything), but I have to admit, I'm *really* tempted to try that.

Wendy Hammer

Love the glass charms!

The layout is beautiful! I like the stitching on the heart. :)

Wendy ♥♥♥

My Etsy Shop ♥
My Blog ♥


you ladies rock on the inspiration front !~ LOVE these ideas. tfs =)

emily pitts

love these projects, mr. huey is so flexible :) thanks for the fun ideas.

Erin M

love these ideas! I am definitely going to be trying the wine glass charms! Thanks for sharing.

Katherine Bolinger

Nicole Samuels Second grade page is wonderful. love the masking and banner. So sweet.


Fun ideas! I knew there was a reason I bought 2 bottles of this color. ;)


love that large masked title!


In love with these projects! :)

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